love and mangoes

Skai's Juice
8 min readMay 22, 2024


San Juan shimmered under the golden sun, its vibrant streets teeming with life and laughter. The scent of the ocean mixed with the tantalizing aroma of street food, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that promised adventure and romance. It was in this enchanting city, amidst the historic charm of Old San Juan and the rhythmic waves of the Caribbean Sea, that two souls would collide and experience a love affair as passionate and sweet as the mangoes and passion fruit they adored.

Janelle was a striking woman with a rich complexion that mirrored the deep hues of her Caribbean heritage. Born and raised on the island of St. Croix, she now lived in the bustling city of Atlanta, where she worked as a marketing executive. Despite her fast-paced life, she had a deep connection to her roots, and she cherished every opportunity to return to the Caribbean. This time, she had chosen San Juan, Puerto Rico, for her vacation, seeking a brief respite from her hectic career.

Janelle strolled along the cobblestone streets of Old San Juan, marveling at the pastel-colored buildings and the colonial architecture. Her heart felt light, and her senses were alive with the vibrant sights and sounds of the city. The rhythm of Reggaeton played from a nearby shop, and she found herself swaying to the music as she walked.

Across the city, in a different part of San Juan, Ricardo was also soaking in the beauty of his surroundings. Ricardo, a Puerto Rican born in the Bronx, had returned to the island to reconnect with his heritage. He was a musician, his heart beating to the rhythm of the salsa and bachata that he played. His life in New York was a whirlwind of gigs and studio sessions, but here in Puerto Rico, he felt a sense of peace and belonging.

That evening, the two strangers were destined to meet at Zumbador, a popular beachfront club known for its lively music and vibrant atmosphere. The club was buzzing with energy, the sounds of salsa and bachata filling the air as couples danced under the starlit sky. The smell of bacalaitos and tostones wafted from the food stalls, mingling with the salty sea breeze.

Janelle arrived at Zumbador dressed in a flowing white dress that accentuated her graceful movements. She felt a sense of excitement as she stepped into the club, the music enveloping her like a warm embrace. She made her way to the bar and ordered an agua de coco…coconut water, savoring the refreshing taste as she watched the dancers on the floor.

Ricardo, with his tall, athletic frame and charismatic presence, had also arrived at Zumbador. He was immediately drawn to the dance floor, his feet tapping to the infectious rhythm of the music. As he glanced around, his eyes landed on Janelle, who was watching the dancers with a radiant smile. There was something about her that captivated him, and he knew he had to introduce himself.

With a confident stride, Ricardo approached Janelle. “Buenas noches,” he said, his voice smooth and warm. “Would you like to dance?”

Janelle looked up, her eyes meeting Ricardo’s. There was an undeniable spark between them, and she felt her heart skip a beat. “Buenas noches,” she replied, smiling. “I would love to.”

As they moved to the dance floor, the music seemed to swell around them, and they were soon lost in the rhythm of the salsa. Ricardo’s strong arms guided Janelle effortlessly, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. It was as if they had been dancing together for years, their connection immediate and electrifying.

After several songs, they took a break and made their way to a nearby table. Ricardo ordered a plate of bacalaitos and tostones, along with two more aguas de coco. As they sat down to eat, they began to talk, their conversation flowing as easily as their dance moves.

“I’ve never felt such a strong connection with someone so quickly,” Janelle confessed, taking a bite of a crispy bacalaito. “It’s like we’ve known each other forever.”

Ricardo nodded, his eyes twinkling with agreement. “I feel the same way. It’s amazing how the universe brings people together when they least expect it.”

They continued to talk, sharing stories about their lives and their passions. Janelle told Ricardo about her work in Atlanta and her love for the Caribbean, while Ricardo shared his experiences as a musician in New York and his deep connection to his Puerto Rican heritage. They discovered that they both loved mangoes and passion fruit, and they laughed as they reminisced about their childhood memories of picking fresh fruit from the trees.

As the night wore on, the music at Zumbador shifted to a slower, more sensual bachata. Ricardo took Janelle’s hand and led her back to the dance floor, pulling her close as they swayed to the music. The world around them seemed to fade away, and they were lost in each other’s embrace.

The next few days were a whirlwind of romance and adventure. Janelle and Ricardo explored the streets of San Juan together, visiting historic sites, and savoring the local cuisine. They spent lazy afternoons on the beach, their laughter mingling with the sound of the waves. They discovered hidden spots where they could pick fresh mangoes and passion fruit, delighting in the sweet, juicy taste.

One day, they decided to take a road trip to the El Yunque National Forest, a tropical rainforest just outside San Juan. The drive through the lush, green landscape was breathtaking, and they were both excited to explore the trails and waterfalls. As they hiked through the forest, they marveled at the vibrant flora and fauna, feeling a deep sense of connection to nature and to each other.

As they reached La Mina Falls, they decided to take a dip in the cool, refreshing water. They laughed and splashed around, their playful energy echoing through the forest. Afterward, they sat on the rocks, drying off in the sun and sharing stories about their childhoods.

“I used to come to Puerto Rico every summer to visit my grandparents,” Ricardo said, his voice filled with nostalgia. “They had a mango tree in their backyard, and I would spend hours climbing it and eating fresh mangoes right off the branches.”

Janelle smiled, her heart warming at the thought. “I used to do the same thing in St. Croix. My grandmother lived up Princess Hill. There’s nothing like the taste of a fresh mango in the Caribbean.”

Their adventure in the rainforest was just the beginning. That evening, they decided to explore the bioluminescent bay in Fajardo. As they paddled through the dark waters in their kayaks, they were awestruck by the glowing blue light created by the tiny organisms in the water. It was a magical, almost otherworldly experience, and they felt like they were floating through a sea of stars.

“This is incredible,” Janelle whispered, her eyes wide with wonder. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Ricardo reached out and took her hand, their kayaks gently bumping together. “It’s like we’re in a dream,” he said softly. “And I don’t ever want to wake up.”

The following day, Janelle and Ricardo decided to visit the famous El Morro, a fortress that had stood guard over San Juan for centuries. As they wandered through the historic site, admiring the sweeping views of the ocean, they felt a deeper connection to the island and to each other. It was here that their idyllic romance faced its first test.

While exploring one of the fortress’s tunnels, they overheard a group of men speaking in hushed tones. The men were discussing a shipment of drugs that was being delivered to the island. Janelle and Ricardo exchanged worried glances, realizing they had stumbled upon something dangerous.

“We need to get out of here,” Ricardo whispered, taking Janelle’s hand and leading her back toward the main courtyard. But before they could reach safety, one of the men spotted them.

“¿Qué haces aquí?” the man shouted, his voice echoing through the tunnel.

Ricardo tightened his grip on Janelle’s hand, and they broke into a run. They could hear the men chasing after them, their footsteps pounding on the stone floor. Heart racing, Ricardo led Janelle through a series of narrow passageways, desperately searching for an exit.

They burst out into the sunlight, the open expanse of the courtyard offering a brief sense of relief. But their pursuers were relentless, and they had to keep moving. Spotting an old, abandoned cart, Ricardo quickly formulated a plan.

“Get in,” he urged Janelle, pushing the cart toward the edge of the courtyard.

“Are you crazy?” Janelle exclaimed, but she climbed into the cart anyway, trusting Ricardo.

With a final push, Ricardo jumped into the cart beside her, and they hurtled down the sloping path, picking up speed as they went. The wind whipped through their hair, and they clung to each other as the cart bounced over the uneven ground. Behind them, the men shouted in frustration, unable to keep up.

The cart eventually came to a jarring stop near the entrance to the fortress. Laughing with a mix of exhilaration and relief, Janelle and Ricardo climbed out, still holding hands.

“That was insane,” Janelle said, breathless.

Ricardo grinned. “I told you, life with me is never boring.”

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city, Janelle and Ricardo made their way back to their hotel. They knew they had narrowly escaped a dangerous situation, but the experience had only strengthened their bond.

The drama of the day faded into the background as they spent their final evening in San Juan dancing at Zumbador. The club was alive with energy, and the music seemed to carry an extra layer of magic. As they danced, their movements perfectly in sync, they knew that their love was something special, forged in the heat of passion and the thrill of adventure.

On their last morning in San Juan, Janelle and Ricardo shared a quiet breakfast on the balcony of their hotel, overlooking the ocean. They savored the taste of fresh mangoes and passion fruit, their favorite fruits now holding even more significance.

“Do you think we’ll stay connected after this trip?” Janelle asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Ricardo reached across the table and took her hand, his gaze steady and reassuring. “I know we will,” he said confidently. “This isn’t the end for us. It’s just the beginning.”

As they packed their bags and prepared to leave the island, they made a promise to each other to keep their love alive, no matter the distance. Their time in San Juan had been a whirlwind of romance, adventure, and drama, but it had also been the start of something beautiful and enduring.

With a final embrace and a lingering kiss, Janelle and Ricardo parted ways, their hearts full of hope and anticipation for the future. They knew that their love story, like the mangoes and passion fruit they cherished, would continue to ripen and grow, sweet and enduring, forever intertwined.


