sylvia: episode 1

Skai's Juice
4 min readMay 16, 2024


Sylvia Williams was known throughout Atlanta as an exceptional relationship therapist. Her clients praised her for her uncanny ability to understand their deepest issues and guide them toward solutions with almost preternatural insight. What they didn’t know was that Sylvia had a secret: she was psychic. From a young age, Sylvia had been able to sense the emotions and thoughts of those around her. Rather than reveal her abilities to the world, she chose to channel them into her work, helping people find happiness and fulfillment.

Every Friday, Sylvia visited her best friend Sheldon at his chic nail salon, "Polished Perfection." Sheldon was a flamboyant, sharp-witted manicurist who had been by Sylvia's side through thick and thin. Their friendship was the cornerstone of her life, providing her with the balance she needed to manage her unique abilities.

One sunny afternoon, Sylvia walked into the salon, greeted by the familiar scent of nail polish and Sheldon's cheerful humming. "Sylvia, darling! Right on time as always," Sheldon exclaimed, his eyes twinkling as he led her to her usual seat.

Sylvia settled in, extending her hands for Sheldon to work his magic. "So, what's the latest gossip, Sheldon? You know I live for our Friday updates."

Sheldon grinned mischievously. "Well, you're in for a treat today. I met someone. His name is Marcus, and he's absolutely divine."

Sylvia raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Tell me more."

"He walked into the salon last week, needing a quick manicure before an important event. He's a lawyer, very polished—no pun intended. We hit it off immediately. He’s smart, funny, and... there's just something about him, Sylvia. I can't put my finger on it."

As Sheldon spoke, Sylvia felt a familiar tingle at the back of her mind. She focused on the name "Marcus" and allowed her psychic senses to reach out. She saw flashes of a tall, well-dressed man with a warm smile. There was an aura of sincerity and kindness around him, but also a shadow of past heartbreak.

"Sheldon, he sounds wonderful. But I think there's more to his story than he's letting on," Sylvia said carefully, choosing her words with precision to avoid revealing too much.

Sheldon paused, his hands steady as he applied a fresh coat of polish to Sylvia's nails. "What do you mean?"

"Just a hunch. Maybe take things slow, get to know him better. Sometimes people carry more baggage than they show at first glance."

Sheldon nodded thoughtfully. "You're right, as always. I'll keep that in mind."

As their session continued, they chatted about lighter topics—the upcoming summer festivals, their favorite new restaurants, and Sheldon's plans to redecorate his apartment. But Sylvia couldn't shake the feeling that Marcus's past would soon become important.

Over the next few weeks, Sheldon kept Sylvia updated on his blossoming relationship with Marcus. They went on dates, spent evenings talking about their dreams and aspirations, and even took a weekend trip to the mountains. Marcus seemed perfect, and Sheldon was happier than Sylvia had seen him in years.

Then, one Friday, Sylvia walked into the salon to find Sheldon looking unusually anxious. "Sylvia, we need to talk," he said, leading her to the back room for privacy.

"What’s wrong, Sheldon?"

"It's Marcus. He told me something last night. He was in a serious relationship a few years ago, but his partner died in a car accident. He’s been carrying that grief with him ever since."

Sylvia felt the tingle again, this time stronger. She closed her eyes briefly, seeing a vivid image of Marcus standing alone in a cemetery, a bouquet of flowers in hand. The weight of his sorrow was palpable.

"Sheldon, this is heavy, but it's good that he's opening up to you. It means he trusts you and wants you to understand him."

Sheldon sighed. "I know, but I don't know if I'm ready for this. I care about him so much, but his pain is... overwhelming."

Sylvia reached out, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "You are stronger than you realize, Sheldon. If you truly care for Marcus, you can help him heal. And he can help you too. Sometimes, the deepest connections come from shared vulnerability."

With Sylvia's guidance, Sheldon found the strength to support Marcus through his grief. Their relationship grew deeper, grounded in mutual understanding and love. Sylvia watched them with quiet satisfaction, knowing her secret abilities had once again helped bring happiness to those she cared about.

In her cozy office, Sylvia continued to change lives, one session at a time. And every Friday, she and Sheldon would sit in "Polished Perfection," sharing stories, laughter, and the ever-changing tales of their vibrant Atlanta.

episode 2:


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