sylvia: episode 7

Skai's Juice
6 min readMay 19, 2024


Shadows in Dallas and Echoes in Atlanta

Sylvia sat quietly in her Atlanta office, sipping her herbal tea and reviewing her notes for the day. Her mind, however, was already drifting towards her upcoming trip to Dallas. She had been seeing Dr. Sada Brown for a few months now, both professionally and personally. There was a growing connection between them, one that transcended their professional interactions. Sylvia had always been cautious about mixing business with pleasure, but Sada was different. He had a way of making her feel understood and valued, a rare combination in her line of work.

Sylvia had scheduled a visit to Dallas, where he had invited her to dine at Roots Southern Table, a renowned Black-owned restaurant. He promised her a taste of their famous black-eyed pea hummus and My Mother’s Gumbo, dishes that carried the rich heritage and warmth of Southern cuisine. The anticipation of this visit brought a smile to Sylvia’s face. However, beneath the surface, she felt a lingering unease, an inexplicable sense that something was amiss.

The night before her departure, Sylvia had a vivid vision. She saw Sada standing in a dark room, shadows dancing around him. His face was etched with worry, his eyes reflecting a deep, troubling secret. Sylvia woke up with a start, her heart racing. She knew better than to ignore her visions, but this one left her particularly unsettled. Without concrete proof, she couldn’t confront Sada about what she had seen. Instead, she resolved to remain vigilant and let the situation unfold naturally.

Upon arriving in Dallas, Sylvia was greeted warmly by Sada. His charm and hospitality momentarily eased her anxiety. At Roots Southern Table, the ambiance was inviting, and the aroma of Southern spices filled the air. As they dined on the exquisite dishes, Sylvia allowed herself to relax and enjoy the moment. Sada was engaging, sharing stories of his childhood and his journey as a therapist.

However, as the evening progressed, Sylvia couldn’t shake off the vision. She observed him closely, looking for any signs that might align with what she had seen. But he remained composed and attentive, making it difficult for Sylvia to reconcile her vision with the man before her.

Upon her return to Atlanta, Sylvia decided to visit Mz Lady Locs, one of Atlanta’s top loctitians. Getting her hair done was more than just a beauty ritual; it was a way for Sylvia to ground herself and clear her mind. As Mz Lady worked on her locs, Sylvia found herself sharing bits and pieces of her Dallas trip. The comforting environment and the rhythmic process of hair maintenance gave her a sense of clarity.

Just as Sylvia was beginning to relax, she had another vision. This time, it was about Marcus. She saw him at a funeral, his face filled with sorrow and guilt. The scene unfolded slowly, revealing more details than before. There was a grave, freshly dug, and a woman standing beside it, weeping uncontrollably. Sylvia’s heart ached as she realized this vision was connected to Marcus’s past, a secret that was about to unravel.


On the other side of town, Jalani was growing increasingly suspicious of Fatima. Her sudden interest in a polyamorous lifestyle had thrown their relationship into turmoil. Determined to understand what was going on, Jalani decided to visit Fatima at her job. He walked into her workplace with a mixture of determination and apprehension, not knowing what to expect. When he arrived, he saw Fatima chatting with a man he immediately guessed to be Damani.

Fatima noticed Jalani and called out, her voice tinged with a nervous cheerfulness. “Jalani, meet Damani,” she said, chuckling slightly at the similarity of their names. Jalani did not find it funny. He stood stiffly, his face betraying his discomfort. Damani, sensing the tension, tried to make light of the awkward situation. “Hey Jalani, nice to finally meet you. Fatima talks about you a lot.”

Jalani forced a polite smile, but his eyes remained wary. He had heard about Damani through Fatima’s stories but had never felt the desire to meet him until now. The encounter was strained, with Jalani’s unease palpable. He felt betrayed and confused, unsure if he could adapt to the changes in their relationship.

Desperate for clarity, Jalani scheduled a session with Sylvia. He poured out his heart, detailing his disrupted relationship with Fatima and his encounter with Damani. Sylvia listened patiently, offering a safe space for Jalani to express his emotions.

“Polyamory isn’t for everyone,” Sylvia explained gently. “It requires a high level of communication, trust, and mutual respect. It’s okay to feel confused and even resistant. The key is to understand your own boundaries and what you’re comfortable with.”

Jalani nodded, absorbing Sylvia’s words. “I just don’t know if I can handle it,” he admitted. “I love Fatima, but this feels like too much.”

Sylvia offered some practical advice. “Take your time. Have open and honest conversations with Fatima. Explore your feelings and don’t rush into any decisions. It’s important to be true to yourself. You don’t have to accept anything. But don’t rush through any decisions especially considering the children.”

In the meantime, Marcus, who had moved out from the house he shared with Emily, began seeing Sheldon regularly. Their relationship, though still in its early stages, was growing stronger. During one of their walks on the Beltline, Marcus decided it was time to share a part of his past that he had kept hidden.

“I need to tell you something,” Marcus began, his voice trembling. “While I was still married to Emily, I had another lover. He… he died of AIDS a few years ago.”

Sheldon stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening in shock. “What? Marcus, why didn’t you tell me this before?”

Marcus looked down, guilt and sorrow etched on his face. “I was scared. I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want to lose you.”

Sheldon was devastated. He felt as if the ground beneath him had shifted. Learning that Marcus had previously cheated on Emily was one thing, but discovering that his other partner had died of a deadly disease was overwhelming. He struggled to process the information, his emotions swirling in a whirlwind of confusion and hurt.

Back in her office, Sylvia continued to grapple with her vision of Sada. She couldn’t ignore the feeling that something was terribly wrong. But without physical proof, addressing it directly was out of the question. She decided to dig deeper into his background, hoping to uncover any information that could shed light on her vision.

Sylvia also focused on helping Marcus and Sheldon navigate their complex relationship. She scheduled a session with Marcus, sensing that he needed guidance on how to be honest and transparent moving forward.

“Secrets have a way of eroding trust,” Sylvia advised Marcus. “If you want a healthy relationship with Sheldon, you need to be open and honest, even if it means facing difficult truths.”

Marcus nodded, understanding the weight of Sylvia’s words. He knew he had to confront his past and be truthful if he wanted a chance at a future with Sheldon.

Sylvia found herself entangled in the intricate web of her clients’ lives and her own personal challenges. Her trip to Dallas had left her with more questions than answers, and her vision of Marcus revealed deeper layers of his past. Emily was slowly recovering, while Jalani and Fatima faced a crossroads in their relationship. Marcus’s confession to Sheldon added another layer of complexity to their budding romance.

Through it all, Sylvia remained steadfast in her commitment to helping her clients find clarity and healing. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with difficulties, but she was determined to guide them through the shadows and into the light. And as she continued to seek the truth about Dr. Sada Brown, she braced herself for whatever revelations lay ahead.

end of season 1


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